1950s Archive

Tricks of my Trade

continued (page 5 of 5)

Stuffed Eggs

Many cold hors-d'oeuvre dishes are made more attractive by aspic, the recipe for which was given in the January GOURMET.

Cut hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and remove the yolks. Press the yolks through a fine sieve and mix them with half their volume in mayonnaise, some finely chopped chives and parsley, and salt to taste. Fill the egg whites with the yolk mixture, using a pastry tube, and arrange them in a serving dish. Garnish the eggs with mayonnaise and sprinkle with paprika, or coat than with aspic and sprinkle with tarragon.

Eggs Stuffed with Fish

Cut hard-cooked eggs in half length-wise and remove the yolks. Press the yolks through a line sieve and mix with a puree of cooked fish or shellfish, a little mayonnaise, and some finely chopped parsley. Fill the egg whites and arrange them in a serving dish. Coat the eggs with aspic and sprinkle with finely chopped tarragon.

Cold Eggs World's Fair

Cut hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and remove the yolks. Press the yolks through a fine sieve and mix with an equal amount of avocado puree and chopped cooked ham. Add a little mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper. Arrange thin slices of smoked ox tongue on a serving dish, place the egg whites on top, and fill the whites with the stuffing. Coat the eggs with aspic and sprinkle them with a mixture of finely chopped parsley, chives, tarragon, and chervil.

Eggs with Caviar

Cut hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and remove the yolks. Fill the hollows with caviar and garnish the edge with the egg yolks, finely chopped and mixed with finely chopped parsley.

Eggs Mollets for Hors-d'Oeuvre

Cook fresh eggs in simmering water for 5 to 6 minutes, chill them quickly, and remove the shells. The yolks should be soft and the whites firm. In a serving dish arrange slices of cooked ham or ox tongue or sliced fresh tomatoes or cooked artichoke bottoms, or chopped cooked vegetables mixed with mayonnaise. Place the eggs on top, coat them with aspic, and decorate with parboiled tarragon leaves or with chopped mixed tarragon and chervil.

Cucumbers Stuffed with Oysters or Mussels

Cut cucumbers into pieces about 1 inch long and remove enough of the seedy center from each piece to form tiny baskets large enough to hold a mussel or an oyster. Poach oysters or mussels in their own juice for a few minutes and drain. Cool them and trim the edges. Cook the liquor until it is reduced to almost nothing and mix it with a little chili sauce. Roll the oysters or mussels in the sauce, place them in the baskets, and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Tomatoes Stuffed with Tuna Fish

Combine ¼ pound of canned tuna fish, finely flaked, with 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, ½ teaspoon mixed chopped chervil and tarragon, the chopped while of 1 hard-cooked egg, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, and salt and pepper to taste. Plunge 6 medium, firm tomatoes into boiling water and then in to cold water and slip off the skins. Cut off the tops, discard some of the center pulp, and squeeze the tomatoes gently to remove the seeds and surplus juice. Stuff the tomatoes with the tuna fish mixture and cover the stuffing with egg yolk pressed through a coarse sieve. Arrange the tomatoes on a serving dish and garnish the dish with sprays of water cress.

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