1950s Archive

Tricks of My Trade

continued (page 3 of 3)

The following are some of the frozen desserts that we served at the old Ritz, some of them made and named for guests or for special occasions.

Poire ou Pêcbe Mary Garden

Place a well-drained poached pear or peach on a large macaroon. On one side put a small mold of vanilla ice cream and on the other side one of raspberry water ice. Coat with apricot sauce flavored with kirsch (see June, 1951). Decorate the top with spin sugar and crystallized violets (see May, 1951).

Berries Béatrice

Place fresh berries or fruit on raspberry ice, cover with Ritz sauce flavored with anisette, and decorate with spun sugar and crystallized violets.

Figs Santa Clara

Place fresh figs, fruits, or berries on apricot ice and cover with apricot sauce flavored with kirsch (see June, 1951). Decorate with sweetened whipped cream put through a pastry bag with a fancy tube and veil with spun sugar.

Peach Frisson

Remove the pits from stewed peaches and stuff the fruit with vanilla ice cream. Place them on raspberry ice and cover with whipped cream. Sprinkle with chopped praline (see January, 1951) and veil with spun sugar.

And here is the GOURMET recipe for the cover subject: chocolate cups for ice cream or ices. The trick in making the little pleated cups is…

Colettes (Chocolate Cups)

Heat 6 squares of sweet or semisweet chocolate and 2 tablespoons butter over boiling water until the chocolate is almost melted. Remove from the heat and stir it rapidly until the chocolate is completely melted and well blended with the butter.

With a teaspoon swirl the mixture around the inside of 6 paper baking cups, covering the entire inner surface with a thin layer of chocolate. Place the cups in muffin pans and chill until the coaling is firm. When ready to use, peel off the paper and fill the cups with any flavor of ice cream or water ice or sherbet desired. Use a variety of combinations for a rainbow effect. Garnish to taste with chopped nuts, whole nutmeats, whole cherries or berries, slices of cherries or of fruits arranged in designs, shredded coconut, a grating of semi sweet chocolate, candied peel, brandied raisins; decorative and edible, naturally.

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