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ruth reichl

chefs + restaurants

Hot to Trot

Charlie Trotter can walk on his hands. Around midnight last Saturday he suddenly flipped over and began strolling upside down through his house.
chefs + restaurants

First Taste: Fiamma

New York’s Fiamma, where Fabbio Trabocchi and his crew are now in residence, is off to a running start.
food + cooking

A Confession

In a secret list of favorite foods, onion rings would be at the top. I love them, can't stop eating them, have never passed them up on any menu.
chefs + restaurants

First Taste: Hill Country

My fingers smell like smoke. My hair smells like smoke. My skirt and my sweater smell like smoke too.
chefs + restaurants

First Taste: Soto

People in Atlanta were devastated when chef Sotohiro Kosugi announced that he was moving to New York.
travel + culture

Al Langer

Of all the delis, in all the tucked away corners of the world, the Los Angeles institution Langer's has given more joy to more displaced New Yorkers than any other.
chefs + restaurants

First Taste: Grom

Grom, the new gelateria from Torino (a Slow Food favorite) is turning out fabulous and entirely organic gelatos.
food + cooking

Where Cooking is Culture

Alice Waters has been dreaming about a cooking school for more than 30 years—an idea whose time has finally come.
food + cooking

Classic Cookbooks: French Cooking in Ten Minutes

The first thing you must do when you get home, before you take off your coat, is to go to the kitchen and light the stove.
food + cooking

First Taste: Insieme

The best lasagne in New York is now being served on Broadway. It is, all by itself, reason to visit the new Insieme.