
food flashes


Food Flashes: July 1947

Sky in July is the best roof. As often as not we eat dinner outdoors.
July 1947

Food Flashes: June 1947

Ready for the trout season? Get your appetite in trim. But you haven't got him, remember, until he's flapping in the creel.
June 1947

Food Flashes: May 1947

The gangplank grumbles, creaks, and is slowly lowered. Vacation-hungry America is going places again. Bon voyage!
May 1947

Food Flashes: April 1947

Brooks boil. Apple bloom is on the back of the wind. Peepers shrill the news, the year's at the spring.
April 1947

Food Flashes: March 1947

Draw the curtains close, pile logs to fire, bring on the soup. But good soup, mind you—good!
March 1947

Food Flashes: February 1947

Roses are red, Roquefort is blue; Serve me this cheese, And I'll always be true.
February 1947

Food Flashes: January 1947

Cheers for the haggis. January 25th is Bobby Burns' birthday and again the Scottish clans will feast in the poet's honor on “Burns' night.”
January 1947

Food Flashes: November 1946

Happy Thanksgiving! Every thing is working toward a day of fine feasting.
November 1946

Food Flashes: October 1946

Now is the month when mothers send off-to-school packages, a labor of love, but a labor no less. Why not have the job done to order?
October 1946

Food Flashes: August 1946

Now you can make the cultured milk of the Balkans right at home in the kitchen and serve it fresh as this morning.
August 1946
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