1950s Archive

Food Flashes

continued (page 4 of 5)

Fruit superb from Hooper's, whete the best rituals of grove-tending are faithfully observed. No newcomer in the mail-order field, this is Hooper's twenty-seventh year expressing fruit direct from the grove to the kitchen. The standard box, ninety pounds, is $9.75 prepaid, your choice of oranges and grapefruit, all oranges, or all grapefruit. Shipments arc guaranteed to arrive in good condition; otherwise the firm replaces the damaged fruit without cost to you. Tangerines are available until February 15, and no longer, the 45-pound box. $6.

The pink seedless grapefruit of this firm arc a grower's achievement and will provide a dramatic spot on any menu; flesh rose-tinted like a rosé wine. So sweet, the fruit needs less than a dust of sugar or a drizzle of honey. The 55 pound bushel of pinks. $7 prepaid, the 30-pound half-bushel, $4.50.

One jar, that isn't enough. these oyster bites excite the appetite for more and more of the same when the drinks go around. Thai's the way folks feel about Crabapple Smoked Oysters—one jar isn't enough, so they order half-dozen sets and get the special postpaid price. 6 jars. 3¼ ounces each. $4.25. or 12 jars $8.25. Address; E. H. Bendiksen Company, P. O. Box 86, Ocean Park, Washington. These oysters are from the Pacific, first steam-cooked, then smoked, using crab-apple wood for that unusual spicy flavor.

The oysters come ready to be speared from the jar and to recline on crackers or toast. Rather biggish these Westerners. so each oyster is cut into bite-sized pieces to pick up on toothpicks and pop into the mouth. Mighty good, one of these oyster tidbits wrapped in bacon strips fastened with a toothpick and broiled until the bacon is crisp.

A party dish any day, this tomato aspic made with ready-mix powder. It tastes very like a well-seasoned tomato sauce, in fact, the flavor is overstrong as compared to the usual kind made at home starting from scratch. And just a bit stiff as made by the package directions, but we added more liquid and liked better both flavor and texture.

The product is made by the Enzo Jel Company, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a package of 3 ¼ ounces serving six. Five packs sell for $1 if you send along the name and address of your local food store. Or order a sample package for 25 cents.

In Des Moines, Iowa, recently, we stopped at the delicacy corner in Younker's department store and noticed a sign announcing the Franzcnburg hams. Then and there we decided to learn more about this famed local specialty.

It's a gourmet's dream come true in Conrad, Iowa, a town whose population is 600. There you find Fanzenburg country.cured hickory-smoked meats in a little butcher shop just a turn off the main highway. Mouth-watering hams, each package carrying a parchment sheer which offers cooking suggestions, and along with the ham goes a 6-ouncc container of baked ham dressing with the rules for its making.

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