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Wine + Spirits + Beer

wine + spirits + beer

Foodies and Winies

Why don't chefs/foodies know much about wine? Wine is not as important as food.
wine + spirits + beer

A Summer Six Pack of Rosé

I love summer because dry rosés arrive on store shelves. There are good ones made almost everywhere and in a wide variety of styles.
wine + spirits + beer

Absinthe—Absent No More

Absinthe lovers are freaks. And it's got nothing to do with the chemical makeup of the spirit.
wine + spirits + beer

The Untalented Mr. Waiter

Had a lovely meal at a wine-centric restaurant recently. The food was fine, but to be honest the thing that has stuck with me days later is the waiter.
james rodewald,
wine + spirits + beer

Some Primo Homegrown

Recently, I came across a few interesting spirits producers in this country, including one that's actually growing the corn for its whisky.
wine + spirits + beer

What Are The Odds?

New York is such a small town. On the way to work on Wednesday I ran into Steve Hindy, owner of Brooklyn Brewery, on the Union Square subway platform.
wine + spirits + beer

Aeppeltreow Pommeaux

I owe my best wine find of 2007 to my 15-month-old baby. The discovery? Pommeaux, a stunning apple dessert wine made by AEppelTreow Winery.
wine + spirits + beer

2 Guys: Vintage Beer?

Checking out the vintage beer menu at the Gramercy Tavern.
wine + spirits + beer

2 Guys: To Beer, or Not To Beer?

To some, beer is nothing more than swill, a simple brew for simple men to drink while watching football or grilling burgers.
February 20, 2007
wine + spirits + beer

The Neat Fee

Bar owners are asking patrons to pay a fee for not having to put ice in single malt?
ruth reichl,