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Food Flashes: January 1951

Cherries Jubilee is a beautiful name for a beautiful dessert. The better restaurants serve this wrapped in blue flame and steeply priced. $1.50 a portion or thereabout.
January 1951

An Epicurean Tour of the French Provinces: Alsace

The most picturesque of the French provinces is a land of pastry and pâté de foie gras, storks, sausages, and “choucroute garnie.”
July 1949

An Epicurean Tour of the French Provinces: Burgundy

A fruitful inquiry into the regional cookery of Burgundy, often overshadowed by its mighty wines.
April 1949

Food Flashes: April 1949

Bring on the ham, a ham super-elegant, pearly pink the meat, and richly perfect in the mouth, with the taste of the smoke in each juicy fiber.
April 1949

Food Flashes: December 1947

The evolution of our Christmas dinner is a story of robust, merry feasting, of wholesale hospitality reaching down the centuries.
December 1947

Food Flashes: November 1947

Blustering, warm-hearted November is a superior month in which to be thankful.
November 1947

Food Flashes: October 1947

Celebrate! The first postwar shipment of Huntley and Palmer biscuits of London are in the shops of the nation.
October 1947

Along the Boulevards

There was a time when, of all the cities of the world, London was most conspicuously a man's town.
July 1947

Food Flashes: July 1947

Sky in July is the best roof. As often as not we eat dinner outdoors.
July 1947

Food Flashes: April 1947

Brooks boil. Apple bloom is on the back of the wind. Peepers shrill the news, the year's at the spring.
April 1947