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Miso-Glazed Sea Bass with Asparagus

Delicate, sophisticated flavors come together almost effortlessly with the help of miso, a Japanese staple.
June 2007
food politics

Floating Feedlots

Bush's National Offshore Aquaculture Act, which died without being passed in the last Congress, has bobbed to the surface again.
food politics

You Say Tomato, I Say Industrial

As we mention in this week's edition of Gourmet Weekly, there's not a lot of action on the West Texas road that runs between Marfa and Fort Davis.

Do I Dare to Eat a Shrimp?

Sure, they’re cheap, but what about the taste? And what do shrimp farms do to the environment? Here’s the lowdown on America’s favorite seafood.
March 2007
food politics

The World is Your Oysters

This year, the oyster crop underwent a miraculous change. The shells were larger than before. The meat was plump and rested undisturbed in its brine.
food politics

Crossing the Border—Into Thailand

What’s in that bowl of Thai shrimp curry? The sweat and sorrow of migrants.
food politics

And the Award for Best King Goes to…

Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej has won the Norman E. Borlaug Medallion for making major contributions to nutrition and sustainable agriculture.
food politics

Pelt Patrol

Animal activists responsible for releasing upward of 15,000 mink baited the outside walls with fish. I hope these great rescuers used a sustainable seafood source.

A Fish Story

Captains of industry, technological innovation, and politics all had a hand, Anne Mendelson reveals, in making sushi as American as cornflakes.
October 2002

In Land We Trust

As farm owners struggle with waning markets and developers who offer big bucks for their property, Phyllis Richman looks at a program that just might ease the pressure.
September 2002