


Think Again

Mary Ellen Carroll has cooked an elaborate meal on a bridge and rotated an entire building, all in the name of art. Next up? The kitchen sink.
February 2008
food + cooking

Which Whisk is Which?

How to choose the right tool for the task, whether you're making a thick, rich sauce or a light-as-air soufflé.
chefs + restaurants

First Taste: TABLE fifty-two

(CHICAGO) - I’ve eaten a lot of terrific food in the past few days in Chicago. But the one thing I find myself dreaming about are those heart-stoppingly delicious biscuits at Table Fifty-Two.
chefs + restaurants

First Taste: TABLE fifty-two

(CHICAGO) - Oprah's former personal chef, Art Smith, opened his long-awaited restaurant TABLE fifty-two in the heart of Chicago's Gold Coast.
food + cooking

Ketchup Conundrum

You have to give ketchup its due. Anything that can make both scrambled eggs and hamburgers taste better is working a certain amount of mojo.

Tools of the Trade

On this tour of two restaurant kitchens, you'll find lots of design ideas and equipment that you can use at home.
October 2002

The China Syndrome

When it comes to plates, the dining room has always overruled the kitchen. But that changed, explains Michael Ruhlman, when Thomas Keller traveled to Limoges.
October 2002

The Sheltering Sky

In pursuit of the grilling life, home cooks are moving everything—including the kitchen sink—outdoors.
June 2002

Kitchen Little, Kitchen Big

When it comes to design, it's not the space that matters, but how you use it.
April 2002

Living Kitchens, Part 5

A place for everything: You’ve got all the latest gadgets, the perfect recipe, and fresh ingredients. But can you find anything?
October 2000
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