
food policy

food politics

Greener Pastures?

All young beef cattle are grass fed. Most, however, end their days crammed into vast feedlots gorging on an unnatural diet of corn.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Produce Police

According to a database maintained by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, produce causes more illnesses than any other category of food.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Organic Pit Bull

To police the entire, $17-billion organic food industry in this country, the USDA has a staff of about a half-dozen people.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Dirty Pigs

The Chinese were turning their noses up at our meat because of concerns about ractopamine, a feed additive widely given to American pigs.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: A Farm Bill Update

The Farm Bill that passed the House Agriculture Committee last week will, if approved, contain funding for the fruit and vegetable industry.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Mystery Meats

In 2002, Congress passed a law requiring country-of-origin labeling on all seafood, meat, poultry, and produce sold in this country.
food politics

Hot Water

If there's one thing the state of Maine has in abundance, it's water.
food politics

Something to Beef About

Hardly a week passes when the government department responsible for the safety of our meat isn't forced to issue a mea culpa.

A View to a Kill

Americans eat almost 9 billion chickens a year, which requires megafarms and giant processing plants. Is there a better way for the birds to meet their end?
June 2007
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