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restaurant notes

chefs + restaurants

The Oldest Profession

It seems that being friends with a restaurant critic might be a better gig than actually being a restaurant critic.
chefs + restaurants

Cutting Fat Into Flour

Handy Andy is likely one of only two places in Oxford, Miss., where true biscuits are served daily.
chefs + restaurants

The Instinct, Part III

I'm an eater of convictions, and one of the things I used to believe in was the gnarlier looking the donut shop, the better the donuts.
chefs + restaurants

Fine Dining Takes a Dive in the Twin Cities

The Food Network recently hosted its first food-themed awards show, and Minneapolis lost out to Portland, Oregon. I can't really say I believe Minneapolis deserved to win.
chefs + restaurants

Do You Like Piña Colada?

It might've been the mescal-spiked devil's food cupcakes talking, but I so wanted to jump into the Lucha Libre ring at Frontera Grill's 20th-anniversary party.
chefs + restaurants

Sohn Fine With Foie Gras Fine

Doug Sohn, the first chef in town to be ticketed for serving foie gras,was slapped with a fine of $250, the minimum penalty.
chefs + restaurants

Going Bananas Over a Plate of Pasta

The menu from chef Michael Voltaggio started with abalone and cuttlefish in an abalone shell and topped with a puff of "pad Thai" foam.
travel + culture

Gute Reisen, Gute Speisen

Who'd have believed the Germans would win when it came to providing the best eating on trains in Europe?
travel + culture

Thinking Inside the Box

Melbourne's bar owners have created a warren of speakeasies and backdoor gin joints that have brought the city to life.
chefs + restaurants

In Good Company

In the local dialect of Avellino, mesali means "tablecloths." Now, it is also the name of a new association of restaurants.
January 2007