1950s Archive

Classes in Classic Cuisine

continued (page 6 of 6)

A third method of cooking fish in the oven is en papillote. This is cooked fish folded into paper cases with a rich sauce, and baked just long enough to blend the flavors and make the whole piping hot.

Fish Filets en Papillote

Prepare a mushroom duxelles sauce as follows: Cook ½ pound finely chopped mushrooms in 2 tablespoons butter with 1 teaspoon chopped shallot or onion, ½ teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon chopped parsley until the moisture is cooked away. Add 1 cup thick cream sauce and blend well.

Brush 6 medium fish fillets generously with butter, season them with salt, and broil them on a preheated baking sheet for 5 or 6 minutes, until they are golden brown. Cut 12 pieces of white paper or aluminum foil, about 8 ½ by 11 inches in size, into heart shapes. Put a spoonful of duxelles sauce on each of 6 paper hearts, put a broiled fillet on the sauce, and cover the fish with more sauce. Cover with the remaining paper hearts and fold and pinch the edges together securely. Bake the papillotes in a moderately hot oven (400° F.) for 5 to 6 minutes. To serve, put each papillote on a serving plate and cut around the two long sides and bottom of the case just within the folded edge. Roll the flap back so that the contents can be eaten directly from the paper case.

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