1940s Archive

Spécialités de la Maison

continued (page 6 of 6)

For us the loochie were the great showpiece of the evening. Those diaphanous puffs of bread are fascinating to the eye and soft, delicate morsels in the mouth. They come to your table resembling small balloons and deflate quickly as daydreams fade, when you bite into them. However, the joy of tasting them lingers even after they have become flat. You may be certain that you will want several servings of loochie.

Desserts include baklava, various tropical fruits either fresh or preserved, and from time to time a pudding with fruit. Rose-petal coffee or tea to follow seems to soothe the effect of the curries, which, though they are delightful, do tend to create atmospheric changes in the mouth and on past the throat.

Mr. Wadia takes great delight in preparing special dinners himself, and if you give him notice, he will slave for you and produce the type of meal which most appeals to you. Unless you are completely well versed in the lore of the East, we advise you to allow him to make your choices for you. You will not be disappointed, of that we can be certain. Some of the dishes he enjoys preparing are chicken pillao, alloo chops, and alloo dums. Alloo chops are lamb chops encrusted with a highly spiced covering of puréed potatoes and served with a typical sauce. Alloo dums could easily be described as a potato pillao with meat and spices. Another specialty is biriani, a rice and meat mixture flavored with saffron, a most elaborate dish.

There is much discussion at this time of creating a buffet service at the Rajah, with various types of curries and endless condiments which you may pick and choose at random. We are heartily in accord with this idea and hope it comes before summer so that we can prove that curries—and hot ones—are among the ideal summer dishes.

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