1940s Archive

Here’s How

continued (page 4 of 4)

Now in closing I list a Manila cocktail known as “Hoop Punch”—it’s supposed to make you roll merrily along!—which was made in its best form at the Army-Navy Club, especially by the Chinese bartender that “Monk” Antrim employed as his No. 1 at the huge Manila Hotel that he managed in those past, pleasant days. I might state that this one should be approached discreetly, advisedly, and with an eye to the nearest exit—toward which one walks, does not run, in case the battle-axe drops at the base of the brain.

To a 2-ounce jigger of brandy add ½ pony Curçao, a 1 1/2-ounce jigger or slightly more of Port wine, and 2 teaspoons—to taste—of strained lime or lemon juice. Shake hard, and pour into a big saucer Champagne glass. A little fine ice left in is optional.

And so salud y pesetas, and hasta la vista—in November.

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