rubber spatula

Rubber Spatula

This kitchen workhorse debuted after World War II, when the burgeoning synthetic-rubber industry began to make its products available to civilians; today, the best models are made of heat-resistant rubber that is less likely to crack or melt. The flexibility and round shape of the head allow this spatula to remove the last bit of batter or sauce from bowls and jars, thereby reducing waste. Unlike utensils made from metal or wood, heat-resistant rubber spatulas can be used to scrape eggs or deglaze browned bits from nonstick pans without scratching the surface. Yet these tools are just stiff enough to allow you to press down terrines and fold egg whites into mousses, soufflés, and delicate cake batters. Seek out spatulas that can withstand temperatures of 300° F or more (but don’t leave a rubber spatula in a hot pot, as it can melt, crack, or curl).

( 1 x 3" and 2 x 3" Kaiser rubber spatula set, $5.20;
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