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Food + Cooking

Collect Them All

My grocery store, The Wedge, has released its first set of local-organic-farmer trading cards.

Are farmers the new rock stars? Many say yes, and yet there is evidence to the contrary. For instance, it is obvious that one of the hallmarks of being a rock star is that you do much of your work after midnight, in tight gold pants. Sadly, it must be acknowledged that few farmers, even those keeping dairy goats, possess an adequate supply of gold trousers to be considered the top of the pops.

So if they are not rock stars, what are they? The co-op grocery store in my neighborhood has evidently given this much thought: What are farmers? They are people who do their work close to the ground, upon which everything depends.

Which makes them, obviously enough, shortstops.

And so my grocery store, The Wedge, has taken this idea to its next logical step, and released its first set of local-organic-farmer trading cards. I’m not sure exactly how the kids will collect and trade them, but perhaps they will. After all, my own little boy has eaten a piece of string cheese from Eileen and Mary Eichten of Eichten’s Hidden Acres (60-head dairy cow herd, 200-head bison herd) every day for the past year, and the net impact upon him, and his strong little bones, is likely to be far greater than that of any mere gold-trousered singer.