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Wine + Spirits + Beer

2 Guys: The Gourmet High Life


At the suggestion of photographer Michael Harlan Turkell, who has a shocking amount of knowledge and experience where the brewing (and consumption) of beer is concerned, we didn't wait the recommended 10 days before cracking open a bottle of our home brew. Since all we're waiting for during this post-bottling, pre-refrigeration limbo period is an increase in carbonation levels, Michael suggested that we try a bottle a day until the carbonation gets to where we like it. "If you were cooking something, you'd be tasting it while you were making it, right? How is this any different?" he asked.

He had a point, and it gave us an excuse to drink at work--Ha! As if we needed another one--so we threw a bottle in an ice bath, waited for it to chill down, and poured ourselves some beer. And you know what? In spite of all our trials and tribulations, the stuff wasn't half-bad. In fact, you might even say it was good. Not great, but certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Considering it was our first try, we're pretty pleased. Of course, this leads us to two possible conclusions; either we have found our calling, or the beer-brewing kit we ordered from the internet has been formulated in such a way as to make it as error-proof as possible. Of course, we won't know for sure until we brew up.