If You So Choose, Try the Shochu


Shochu isn't new. But for the first time in New York, the Japanese vodkalike liquor (made from fermented starch) has been enshrined at one of the most gorgeous bars in town—EN Japanese Brasserie, in the Village, a local hangout that's high style to the max. Start with a "nashi pear cider," kind of like a bellini but chilled to perfection with housemade pear sorbet. Or sample shochu flavored with shiso (an herb thats flavor is similar to basil), ginger, grapefruit, lemon and lime, or mikan (a Japanese citrus). But don't confuse shochu with sake, for although the former can be made with rice, it is far more often brewed with sweet potato, barley, or buckwheat, which accounts for the earthy notes.

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