
john t. edge

food + cooking

A Ham for All Seasons

Some of us are cat people. Others are dog people. Lesser known are ham people, a cult whose existence makes pig people twitch and stammer.
food + cooking

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Latkes

Each Christmas Eve we—my wife, my son, and I—host an Open House.
food + cooking

Covey Burst

It takes a crew of folks to quail hunt. At least at Gillionville Plantation, it does.
food + cooking

Shooting Down Dinner

Thoughts run through my mind in the run-up to my first quail hunt. Thoughts like How do you turn the safety on again?
food + cooking

Sonic Boom

Art imitates life? Life imitates art? And I'm further confused, now that Sonic, the Oklahoma-born drive-in has begun serving deep-fried "mac and cheese bites."
food + cooking

Eating Egyptian in Appalachia

Our nation's appreciation of regional and local foods is maturing. I've found no better evidence of this phenomenon than in Fred Sauceman's two-volume series The Place Setting.
food + cooking

My Pickle Jones

We ran out of Wickles pickles this past weekend. Right about then, my egg salad sandwich went to hell.
chefs + restaurants

Downing Butterbeans and Buttermilk in Charleston

Here's my list of four great places to eat in Charleston. Two savory. Two sweet.
food + cooking

A Snake Runs Through It

We citizens of the Deep South are not supposed to be world-class cheesemakers. Blame it on the heat. Or the humidity.
wine + spirits + beer

Meet Waylon

The menu says a Waylon is made with bourbon and smoked Coke. (Insert freebasing joke here.)
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