
farms + fish

food politics

Politics of the Plate: Salmongate

Something was fishy when Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin spoke out against a pro-salmon initiative.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Junk Feed and Irradiated Greens

Farmers resort to M&Ms and potato chips for cattle feed, and irradiated greens are finally approved.
food politics

Four Farmers Project: Dark Horizons

Human civilization has thrived in regions where climate has been steady and benign. But farming on the Great Plains is full of surprises.
food politics

Four Farmers Project: Black Gold

The Christensons grow food crops for fuel and are proud of it. The way they see it, their corn creates ethanol and still feeds people.
food politics

Four Farmers Project: Shunning Conventional Wisdom

Organic farming begins as a way of life, and it is not for the faint of heart.
food politics

Four Farmers Project: An Advocate for Technology

In this era of industrial agriculture, it is difficult to remember that Dale Hargens is a liberal farm advocate.
food politics

Four Farmers Project: A Storm in America’s Heartland

On the Great Plains, farming has the feel of war and chaos, with Mother Nature and the international commodity markets providing the “shock and awe.”
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Tough Times for the King of Kings

Yukon River salmon were the most sought-after catch-of-the-day. Then disaster struck.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: A Seafood Controversy, and the Whole Truth

Supermarkets flunk Greenpeace’s sustainable seafood report; and Whole Foods CEO John Mackey in a revealing interview.
food politics

Danger Fields

Farming in the developing world is never an easy occupation, but for farmers in Laos there is a particularly grave complication.
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