
m. f. k. fisher


True Confessions

This month marks the 100th birthday of M. F. K. Fisher, whose sensuous prose redefined food writing. Here, an exclusive look at her private world.
July 2008

Consider the End

Consider the end! That is what my father did, gastronomically, for his offspring. He wanted us to taste life in the round.
October 1958

Martini-Zheen, Anyone?

To get a dry Martini, one must unhesitatingly ask for a Martini-gin, pronounced zheen.
January 1957

An Alphabet for Gourmets, W-Z

W is for wanton … and the great difference between the way a man eats and has his lady love eat.
October 1949

An Alphabet for Gourmets, S-V

S is for sad … and for the mysterious appetite that often surges in us when our hearts seem breaking and our lives too bleakly empty.
September 1949

An Alphabet for Gourmets, P-R

P is for peas … naturally! … and for a few reasons why the best peas I ever ate in my life were, in truth, the best peas I ever ate in my life.
August 1949

An Alphabet for Gourmets, M-O

M is for monastic … and for what happens when men become monks—at table, I hasten to add!
July 1949

An Alphabet for Gourmets, K-L

K is for kosher … and for a few reasons why the dietary laws have been called “one of the best economic regimes ever made public.”
April 1949

An Alphabet for Gourmets, I-J

I is for innocence … and its strangely rewarding chaos, gastronomically.
March 1949

An Alphabet for Gourmets, F-H

F is for family … and the depths and heights of gastronomical enjoyment to be found at the family board.
February 1949
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