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molecular gastronomy

chefs + restaurants

The Gourmet Q + A: Grant Achatz and Heston Blumenthal

The chefs discuss the process of writing their forthcoming cookbooks, the audiences they hope to reach, and the term “molecular gastronomy.”
food + cooking

Behind the Blog: Ideas in Food

Gourmet’s Christy Harrison spoke to the bloggers of Ideas in Food about the allure of hydrocolloids and the frustrations of cooking for a New York audience.
diary of a foodie

Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie: The Inventors

Meet the people who are pushing the art of cooking to new heights.
diary of a foodie

Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie: Avant-Garde à la Carte

A new generation of chefs is exploring the bold frontier of molecular gastronomy.
diary of a foodie

Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie: Science of Deliciousness

Did your mother tell you not to play with your food? Meet some innovative chefs who didn’t listen.

food + cooking

Waiting for Choucroute

Savoy cabbage is lovely when butter-braised, but what I really want is space enough to make sauerkraut.
chefs + restaurants

In Spain, Powder is the New Foam

chefs + restaurants

Bugs in the Kitchen?

This week, I ate at Moto, one of Chicago's experimental restaurants that practice what is often referred to as "molecular gastronomy."

food + cooking

The Oyster at the End of the Road

A few weeks ago, I made a case for finding a different name for what people have been calling "molecular gastronomy."