


A Grand Experiment

Living off the land during a long Vermont winter requires patience, planning, and a little help from your friends.
July 2005

New York State of Mind

The pastoral pleasures of the Finger Lakes region are hiding in plain sight, somewhere between the vineyards and a new crop of farm-friendly restaurants.
July 2005

Dandelion Salad with Lardons and Goat Cheese Phyllo Blossoms

This dish is a take on the bistro classic frisée salad with lardons.
April 2005

Pepper Pilgrimage

Time was, a craving for pimientos de Padrón could be satisfied only in Spain. Then along came a gardener from New Jersey.
January 2005

An Oddball World

Brake before you hit Key West. Enter a tragicomic realm of outlaws and rumrunners, pink flamingos and yellow limes that drop off trees into the palm of your hand.
May 2003

Charleston’s True Grits

In the Lowcountry of South Carolina, historic preservation runs headlong into modernization, and Frogmore stew shakes hands with New American cuisine.
January 2003

Can You Dig It?

A potato revolution has taken root. We visit a kitchen garden to find the flavors of the earth.
July 2001

Grown in the USA

Here are five farmers whose produce we would very much like to taste in that restaurant of dreams.
July 2001

My Life with Tomatoes

Nurturing more than 200 varieties leads to a gardener toward a perfect mix.
September 2000

Friend or Foe?

Through genetic engineering plant biologist Roger Beachy is growing a whole new kind of crop.
September 2000
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