

travel + culture

And Then to Verona

Our test kitchen director tours this ancient city and finds an irresistible treat: buttery Christmas pandoro.

Cooking Schools: Homebase Abroad

Homebase Abroad, a company that specializes in “the art of experiencing Italy,” can rent you a villa. All we wanted to do was cook.
May 2008

Cooking Schools: Regaleali Vineyards

Cooking with Anna Tasca Lanza and sharing her food was like being in the kitchen with my own Sicilian grandma.
May 2008

Cooking Schools: Enrica Rocca

At the new Venice branch of her cooking school, Countess Enrica Rocca offers an intimate experience of the city.
May 2008

Cooking Schools: Academia Barilla

If you find your groove in Italian cooking, there’s no better place to perfect it than in Parma, on the banks of the Po.
May 2008
diary of a foodie

Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie: Anatomy of a Meal: Paul Bartolotta

How did a kid from Milwaukee become one of America’s finest chefs?
diary of a foodie

Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie: Italy

See how hungry travelers are treated to the authentic tastes of traditional Italian homes.

travel + culture

For Show in Parma

Until January 6 Parma is hosting Foodscapes—Art & Gastronomy, a lively province-wide show on food in the contemporary arts.
travel + culture

A Not So Secret Garden

Florid until the early 20th century, the Monastic garden in Rome eventually deteriorated in ruins until a decade ago, when it was restored.
food + cooking

The World’s Best Figs, but the Supply is Limited

In the sunny Cilento region around Salerno, south of Naples, the harvest of white figs is just now wrapping.
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