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2000s Recipes + Menus

Melon Seed Agua Fresca

Makes2 (8-ounce) drinks
July 2003
If you find you’ve bought a melon that isn’t the greatest, use it in smoothies, daiquiris, or Margaritas. And don’t waste the seeds and juice—make melon seed aguas frescas.

1 medium muskmelon or cantaloupe
2 cups water
1/4 cup sugar (or to taste)

Scoop the seeds and juice of muskmelon or cantaloupe into a blender. Add water and sugar (or to taste), then whizz on high speed for a minute. (The seeds will still be visible.) Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher, pressing on the solids. (Discard the solids.)
Serve the coolers chilled or over ice.