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food + cooking

Bringing up Baby

When my baby started grabbing for my fork I realized it was time to feed her for real. The only problem is that she’s got no teeth.
food + cooking

Sprouts’ Honor

Roasting Brussels sprouts turns them into the bacon of the vegetable world. And everyone likes bacon.
food + cooking

Cooking for Odessa

What the hell do you make for dinner when your guest is a famous chef (and your former boss)?
food + cooking

Waiting for Choucroute

Savoy cabbage is lovely when butter-braised, but what I really want is space enough to make sauerkraut.
food + cooking

Smooth Soups

Puréed soups are purely and intensely flavorful, and they show off whatever seasonal vegetables you have on hand.
food + cooking

It’s Pretty Easy Eating Greens

Italy and Virgina meet at the Thanksgiving table.
food + cooking

Gourgeous Gougères

Gougères are basically éclairs with cheese and herbs added at the last moment. They’re so simple and delicious it feels like cheating.
food + cooking

Crosne Jewels

They look like grubs, but crosnes are crisp and crunchy, earthy and sweet, like quinces masquerading as vegetables.
food + cooking

Oops (Again)

Pig ears are practically offal (and all the cool kids like offal). The story of a culinary train wreck.
food + cooking


Trying to keep up with the eggplant onslaught and craving something spicy, I came across a recipe I could not understand.