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travel + culture

Hallo Berlin! Part One

Yes, there are the museums and the galleries and the nightclubs, but what’s most exciting about Berlin is the sense of openness and what is possible.
food + cooking

Lunch Before The Wedding

Sometimes there’s so much love all around it comes in through the air, it comes in through the hamburgers.
food + cooking

Some Stories About Flight Attendants

Flight attendants are there, first and foremost, for your safety and comfort. But sometimes they’re kind of hilarious.
food + cooking

An Eggplant Confession

Who, me? Um, uh…of course I love eggplant. Ok, so not always. But I’m learning.

The Last Chinese BBQ

Ho Ho BBQ, a tiny shop in a nondescript strip mall in suburban Toronto, where meat is roasted Cantonese style.
August 2009
food + cooking

CIAO, ROMA! Lunch and Dinner Edition

Because, even in Rome, one cannot live on coffee and gelato (and sorbetto and granita) alone.
food + cooking

CIAO, ROMA! Coffee and Gelato Edition

You know when someone comes home from abroad and annoys everyone, moaning that they can’t find something like they had back in LaLa Land? This week, I’m that guy.
food + cooking

When in Rome, Eat Ugly Food

Sometimes vacations turn ugly. But starting your trip off with an ugly dinner isn’t always a bad thing.
food + cooking

The Chef, The ShamWow, and the Infotainer

Paul Liebrandt might be the best chef in New York. But can he take on the greatest salesman in America?
food + cooking

Chinatown Kite, Pork Chop on Rice

Lunchtime, when I went to work with my parents, was always the day’s highlight. But not everyone appreciated it.