food + cooking

Crosne Jewels

They look like grubs, but crosnes are crisp and crunchy, earthy and sweet, like quinces masquerading as vegetables.
food + cooking

Under Pressure

To pressure-cook or not to pressure-cook? That is my question.
food + cooking

Eating Egyptian in Appalachia

Our nation's appreciation of regional and local foods is maturing. I've found no better evidence of this phenomenon than in Fred Sauceman's two-volume series The Place Setting.
food + cooking

Oops (Again)

Pig ears are practically offal (and all the cool kids like offal). The story of a culinary train wreck.
food + cooking

Olive Oil 101 (Part I)

In Spain, they take their olive oil seriously. Very, very seriously. The University of Córdoba offers a postgraduate degree in the stuff.
food + cooking

Way Down South in Mississippi

In a bizarre alternate universe, the annual Southern Foodways Alliance Symposium, a ham maker can be accorded the respect due a head of state.
food + cooking

Revere Ware

Most people expect my batterie de cuisine to be composed of only high-end brands, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
food + cooking

Forgotten Cuisines of America, Part 2

The Hmong were a mountain people living in northern Laos when the Vietnam War spilled across the border. When the war ended, many resettled in the U.S.
food + cooking

Hearty Enough for Whole Wheat

Whole wheat pasta does actually enhance some dishes. The sauce must be one that puts up a fight, to match the pasta's assertive wheatiness.
food + cooking

Gambling is Better Than Sharing

Ah, community, togetherness, sharing: Isn't that what the potluck exemplifies? Well, yes and no.
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