10 Questions for Walmart's Sustainability Director, Kory Lundberg

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KL: WalmartGreenRoom.com has a blog where we post information to give customers ideas. On Memorial Day weekend, for example, we had a blog up about how to reduce gas use this summer.

MySustainablityPlan.com is another site worth checking out. Originally, MSP was a voluntary program designed for our associates so that they could easily get more information about incorporating sustainability into their lives. After rolling the program out internally, we made it available to any company that wanted it, and now any individual can access the program. All one has to do is log on and make commitments: It can be about establishing a family budget; it can help individuals set goals. And it can also help people track progress against one another. It shows how your actions, combined with others', can really ladder up into something big. When you introduce competition, it really helps incentivize others.

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