Kickstarter Food Stars

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The “all good” Rosen was talking about was the publicity that a well-constructed campaign can generate. 606 R&D had just been featured in the Huffington Post and in New York Magazine. Quinn Popcorn found its way to Daily Candy and The New York Times, and Mario Lurig’s chocolate dice went from Reddit chatter to Gawker’s gaming news and culture site, Kotaku. All managed to reach audiences outside of the existing Kickstarter universe, which in turn created more attention from Kickstarter itself—getting featured in one of Kickstarter’s “projects we love” emails can turbocharge the attention/money cycle. North Mountain Pastures, who had been bringing in pledges at a steady clip since their mid-January launch, saw more than $11,000 flood in over the three hours after the company was featured in a recent Kickstarter email. All good, indeed.

Eventually for Rosen and Dima, it was all good plus 10 grand. For Quinn popcorn, it was all good plus 27 grand. And for Mario Lurig, who hoped to get $950? All good plus 16 grand.

Matthew Kronsberg is a producer and writer living in Brooklyn, New York. He has covered a variety of topics for Gourmet Live, including cooking with marijuana.

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