Diet Daze

Published in Gourmet Live 01.11.12
We’re cutting through the fat on popular diets and sweeteners and sharing personal reflections on weight and health from food luminaries Molly O’Neill and Kemp Minifie

Perhaps we should have called our diet issue our diet issues—because, as we discovered, who doesn’t have a few hang-ups about what we should be eating versus what we want to eat?

Foods fall in and out of favor, as the illustration above denotes. (Full disclosure: This graph is subjective, if seasoned with science!) And sometimes entire nutrient groups take a hit: Carbohydrates, for example, are getting a beating these days from popular weight-loss plans such as the Dukan Diet. For this issue, we asked food lovers—including Gourmet Live and Epicurious editors and you, our readers—to share their personal experiences with that diet and three others: the Paleo Diet, the 17 Day Diet, and Weight Watchers. Gourmet Live’s Megan O. Steintrager reports on the results.

If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to lose weight—or if you’re already prone to denying yourself dessert—perhaps you’ve scanned the many options in artificial sweeteners and wondered what exactly is in those little packets. Is it the answer to your dreams, or could it be just as bad for you as sugar (speaking of a substance that’s recently been demonized in the press)? Health reporter Julia Savacool sifted through the sweetener science and sums it up in a fact-filled primer on sugar and alternatives like stevia, saccharine, and aspartame.

We also highly recommend two personal perspectives on this week’s theme: Molly O’Neill’s reflections on the complex role of dieting in her life and Kemp Minifie’s account of how she lost 15 pounds on a complex regimen long on duck breast.

And don’t miss a roundup of the best healthy restaurants across the country from our partners at BlogHer.

Do you have diet resolutions for 2012? Chew the fat with us via Twitter or Facebook, email us (, or post a comment on our blog.

Wishing you good health and great food,

The Editors of Gourmet Live

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