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Simple Roast Turkey with Rich Turkey Gravy
This is the ultimate turkey lover’s turkey—no bells and whistles, just a succulent bird with crispy skin and plenty of delicious gravy.
Olive-Oil Mashed Potatoes
Whip up the classic side dish while adding creaminess to buttery Yukon Golds with just olive oil and potato water.
Sage Stuffing
You can’t go wrong with a traditional bread stuffing, especially when it’s enlivened with fresh sage and celery leaves.
Cranberry Sauce with Dates and Orange
We’ve added Mediterranean touches—sweet dates and tangy balsamic vinegar—to the traditional orange-cranberry combination.
Roasted Sweet-Potato Rounds with Garlic Oil
Sweet potatoes, are naturally sweet enough when caramelized in the oven, so we eschewed brown sugar and savorized them instead with garlic oil.
Green Beans with Ginger Butter
Liberate your green beans from casserole purgatory with a lively mix of butter, ginger, and lemon zest.
Sage Stuffing
We've saved you the trouble of making two of the holiday's classic sweets by rolling them into one delicious dessert.
Fried Apple Pies
These handheld, crescent-shaped, fruit-filled pastries, oozing with spiced stewed dried apples, are the ultimate individual desserts.
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