Cheap Grill Thrills


You know one more thing you really need for your grilling batterie de cuisine? A bunch of disposable aluminum pans. That's right, the cheap ones that you see hanging by a peg in the kitchen supply aisle of any supermarket. It might seem odd to include these in a list of essential grilling tools, but they are incredibly useful. To begin with, they are just the thing for carrying raw materials to the grill and cooked food from grill to table. More importantly, though, they are a near-essential tool for grilling all kinds of items—from a monster pork chop to a bone-in chicken breast to a small lamb roast—that are too thick to be completely cooked right over the coals. If you tried to do this, each of these would be incinerated on the outside before it got cooked all the way through. So instead, as soon as your chop or mini-roast has acquired a nice, dark, sear on the exterior, just move it to a cooler part of the fire (assuming you have built a multi-level fire or at least left one part of the grill free of coals) and cover it with your aluminum pan. This creates a kind of mini-oven effect, so your food can finish cooking without getting scorched. And when the pan gets too beaten and burnt, just start using a new one; at less than a quarter apiece, it's one grilling tool you can afford to replace often.

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