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maggie ruggerio


Cocktail of the Week: The Brad Pitt

If you’re hankering for a refreshing Earth Day quaffer, this is probably the most eco-friendly cocktail in our repertoire.

Baked Apples with Candied Fennel and Pistachios

Here, leftover fennel goes in a decidedly different direction: Candied in a sugar syrup, it has a softer snap and becomes more mellow.
December 2008

Brussels Sprouts With Shallots And Wild Mushrooms

Sweet, nutty roasted Brussels sprouts and a woodsy blend of wild mushrooms will make this luxurious dish a hit on any traditional holiday table.
November 2006

Brown-Sugar Spice Cake with Cream and Caramelized Apples

In this recipe, simple pantry ingredients come together to make a homey cake that's so tender and moist, you'll be fighting over the last piece.
March 2006