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the times of my life


The Times of My Life: November 1946

My last year as an artist in Europe was a sad year every place.
November 1946

The Times of My Life: August 1946

It was only late in life that I learned the simple lesson that history is merely anything that can happen.
August 1946

The Times of My Life: May 1946

For a while that summer in England, when the bull market still hung high, I went to the seashore and sat among the sounds of rocking buoys.
May 1946

The Times of My Life: April 1946

As one listens today to voices of indignant incredulity and looks back at one's past, I am reminded of my lawyer.
April 1946

The Times of My Life: January 1946

In the middle twenties, when I was an art student in Paris, there were a great many places there that advertised Real Southern Cooking.
January 1946

The Times of My Life: December 1945

Every writer that ever wrote about seeing Paris for the first time always starts, I believe, by stating that the horse chestnut trees were in blossom.
December 1945