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new york

Along the Boulevards

Life and travel on the cars have for many years preoccupied the imagination of this department.
December 1947

Along the Boulevards

New York's stateliest hotel, the Plaza celebrates its fortieth anniversary.
October 1947

Food Flashes: October 1947

Celebrate! The first postwar shipment of Huntley and Palmer biscuits of London are in the shops of the nation.
October 1947

Along the Boulevards

There was a time when, of all the cities of the world, London was most conspicuously a man's town.
July 1947

Food Flashes: July 1947

Sky in July is the best roof. As often as not we eat dinner outdoors.
July 1947

Along the Boulevards

Probably the last New York hostess who regularly commands the presence of guests at her home in the conventional tradition is Mrs. George Schlee.
June 1947

Food Flashes: June 1947

Ready for the trout season? Get your appetite in trim. But you haven't got him, remember, until he's flapping in the creel.
June 1947

Food Flashes: February 1947

Roses are red, Roquefort is blue; Serve me this cheese, And I'll always be true.
February 1947

Along the Boulevards: October 1946

New Year's is, traditionally, the season for resolutions. To the essentially urban intelligence, the New Year comes at a period indeterminate in the calendar.
October 1946

Along the Boulevards: April 1946

It is custom every year or two to draw up a tally of New York's ten best restaurants for the pleasure, instruction, or fury of its readers.
April 1946