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food + cooking

A Different Kind of Fall Foliage

’Tis the season of cauliflower, which can lead to many good things.
food politics

The ABCs of the New CSAs

Looking for a sound investment in these troubled times? Try community-supported food.
chefs + restaurants

Dinner at the Source

You can’t get much closer to your vegetables than eating right in the field where they were grown.
travel + culture

Terra Madre Ireland

Smoked goat cheese, Waterford blaa, and more: a weekend with the stars of this country’s vigorous artisanal-food movement.
travel + culture

Farmstand on the Run

Forget chitchatting with growers at this revolutionary farmers market: Just place your order beforehand and pick up your goods.
food + cooking

Kernels of Wisdom

Learning to love popcorn and the country that invented it.
travel + culture

Still Life with Toddler and Fruit

Saturday morning at the Portland farmers market: It does not get better than this.
food + cooking

Why Does America Hate Ratatouille?

Made from some of the season’s best produce, the dish should be a summer staple—but our national aversion to it runs deep.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Junk Feed and Irradiated Greens

Farmers resort to M&Ms and potato chips for cattle feed, and irradiated greens are finally approved.
chefs + restaurants

Fine Dining at the Farmers Market

Farm-to-table restaurants face stiff competition from the very market where they get their produce.