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Tricks of my Trade

April 1952

Cuisine Parisienne

See Paris and die? No, see Paris and eat. That is, or should be, the intention of the thousands of visitors who will go to Paris this anniversary year.
July 1951

Tricks of My Trade: May 1951

During the short time that truffles, and others of the same sort, are in season, they are regarded with an appreciation that approaches reverence.
May 1951

Tricks of My Trade: March 1951

An old French Proverb has it: “C'est la Sauce qui fait le poisson,” testifying to the importance of sauce.
March 1951

Tricks of My Trade: February 1951

To believe that French cooking must be rich means that somewhere in one's gastronomical adventures the essence of la vraie cuisine française has been missed.
February 1951

Tricks of my Trade

November 1950

Tricks of my Trade

August 1950

Vegetables à la Française

June, according to La Cuisine de tous les mois, one of my French books on cooking, is par excellence le mois des légumes—unsurpassed as the month of vegetables.
June 1948