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robert pincus

food + cooking

Winter is Coming

This is the sound and smell of fall turning into winter. These are the people who feed my family.
food + cooking

Food for the Day After Tomorrow

How a seemingly odd use of leftover turkey has joined two families.
food + cooking

Paella Party

Comfort, abundance, and exoticism in a one-dish meal: why I’ll be making paella for Christmas dinner this year.
food + cooking

The Reason for Cardoons

I tried and tried to love these things, but always failed—until I had Bill’s cardoon bread pudding.
food + cooking

Lard Have Mercy, Part 2

Recipe: Roll chicken in flour and fry in lard. What a simple dish can teach you about cooking (and maybe life).
food + cooking

Lard Have Mercy

Obtaining pure pig oil self-sufficiency.
food + cooking

Cool Greens

You don’t have to know science to enjoy cooking winter’s greens, but it doesn’t hurt, either.
food + cooking

A Different Kind of Fall Foliage

’Tis the season of cauliflower, which can lead to many good things.
chefs + restaurants

Dinner at the Source

You can’t get much closer to your vegetables than eating right in the field where they were grown.
food + cooking

Can a Man Have Too Many Apples?

The fall harvest is making me confuse my crisps and crumbles, my brown Bettys and my pandowdies.