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It’s in the Bag

The quest for great apple pie takes a surprising—and surprisingly delicious—turn.
July 2004

Surf’s Up, Soup’s On

Southern California surf culture is laidback, but when it comes to food, some things get taken very seriously.
June 2004

Louisiana Love Song

A visit to an off-the-beaten-path-favorite in the heart of Cajun Country leads to two new bayou discoveries.
April 2004

Rolling Cuisine

Out in the sun on office-building steps or during a brisk destination hike, ad hoc alfresco meals are New York City’s most distinctive way to dine.
March 2004

The Few, The Proud, The Barbecue

A Beaufort, South Carolina, drill sergeant whips southern cooking into shape.
February 2004

The Eel Deal

There’s a movable feast in upstate New York—if you catch it.
December 2003

They’re Red Hot

Barbecue is rightly deified down South, but the tamales there are also devilishly good.
December 2003

Pennies In A Stream, Falling Leaves, A Sycamore …

Moonlight in Vermont means it’s almost time for breakfast.
November 2003

Live, from Chicago—It’s the Billy Goat Tavern

But forget about having it your way, unless your way is a cheeseburger, chips, and Coke. That’s right, Coke.
September 2003

Burritos, Rellenos, and Tamales—Oh My!

Great food in Santa Fe is no surprise, but two restaurants outside of town turn out to be worthy of a pilgrimage.
August 2003