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organics market

food politics

Politics of the Plate: Organic Nutrition, the Dirt on Greens, and Glass in Yogurt

A study disproves two myths about organic produce, and Stonyfield recalls its yogurt. Plus, is our growing appetite for greens to blame for food poisoning?
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Drugs, Superbugs, and Good Trans Fats

The more chicken and pork a woman eats, the more likely she is to develop antibiotic-resistant urinary tract infections caused by E. coli, a study says.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Whitefinger?

Last week, Kansas and Utah attempted to ban dairies from labeling milk products as free of the artificial growth hormone rBST—even if they are.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Just Say Nooooo!

The USDA will unveil proposed rules for organic seafood this spring, and one thing is already certain: They will be contentious.
food politics


The USDA allowed Tyson Foods Inc. to label its chicken "raised without antibiotics." But Tyson's birds were still fed a diet laced with drugs.
food politics

Loud and Clear

There is worry that the National Organic Standards Board won't hear this message: No farmed salmon should be allowed to carry the USDA organic label.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Merger Mania

For what seems to be the umpteenth time, the Federal Trade Commission tried to kibosh the merger of Whole Foods and Wild Oats.
travel + culture

Barcelona Dreaming, Part I

So you've got these friends, and when you get together, you spend a lot of time talking about food.
food politics

Hog in the Limelight

In pork-crazy North Carolina, the Ossabaw pig—with a wild-tinged ancient flavor and fat that’s actually good for you—makes a last stand.
October 2007
food + cooking

It Takes a Lot of Bread to Make Bread

It always seems to me that while food lovers wildly applaud the idea of raw organic foods and artisanal products they grumble just as loudly about the price.