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Tricks of My Trade: March 1951

An old French Proverb has it: “C'est la Sauce qui fait le poisson,” testifying to the importance of sauce.
March 1951

Tricks of My Trade: February 1951

To believe that French cooking must be rich means that somewhere in one's gastronomical adventures the essence of la vraie cuisine française has been missed.
February 1951

An Epicurean Tour of the French Provinces: Franche-Comté

Notes on the gustatory riches of a verdant province, from the unctuous fondue to that divine topaz nectar, Château-Châlon.
January 1951

The Ritz in Retrospect

Few men live through the entire life of a celebrated establishment. But when the Ritz-Carlton in New York closes, that will be my status.
January 1951

Carving is an Art

The Art of Carving is the science of carving. One must understand anatomy, have a steady hand, a sure eye, and extreme patience.
November 1948

Game at Large

When I was in England, how many times I watched the hunters there—red-coated riders on beautiful horses racing after the hounds.
November 1948

The Last Touch in Sauces: August 1948

Lovers of good eating call French sauces the gift that la cuisine française has given the world.
August 1948

Food Flashes: August 1946

Now you can make the cultured milk of the Balkans right at home in the kitchen and serve it fresh as this morning.
August 1946