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chefs + restaurants

Iowa is Proud of Iowa

When people think of food in Des Moines, they think corn, corn, and more corn—but actually, there's some very creative regional cooking going on in America's corn basket.
food + cooking

The Midtown Global Market

The fate of Minneapolis' Midtown Global Market is one of the biggest open questions in Minnesota right now.
food + cooking

Could Have Eaten

Capers fill me with a strange sense of loss. Not for capers, per se, but for what we, as North Americans, are not eating.
food + cooking

Campfire Companions

One way to prevent mockery and heartbreak in the woods would be to make sure your ambitious campfire cooking is foolproof from the get-go.
food politics

Reap What You Sow

Rumors about a mythical pizza farm have lately circulated among Twin Cities food-types like tales of the Easter Bunny circulate among pre-schoolers.
food + cooking

Sorcerer's Stew

Harry Potter has the potential to turn third-graders into expert Cornish pastie makers in St. Paul.
chefs + restaurants

Dispatch from Bismarck

Chef Stuart Tracy has stepped into the breach, and now North Dakota diners can sample remarkable grass-fed beef, bison, and lamb.
food + cooking

Casserole Comeback

Will casseroles cast off their tater-tot past and become the wasabi foam of the next generation?
food + cooking

Stick a Fork in It

Pitchfork fondue works like this: Pick your preferred steak, then some guy "fondues" it in a cauldron of boiling oil.
food politics

Martyr of Unholy Corn Dogs

Various corners of the food world, the parent world, and the public-health world have all been abuzz with the bad news about school lunches.