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barry estabrook

food politics

Politics of the Plate: Ground Zero for Swine Flu

Recent reports indicate that the emerging epidemic could be linked to unsanitary conditions at a factory hog farm.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Nothing’s the Matter with Kansas

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius has shown that if she’s confirmed at a top FDA post, she’ll likely push for the interests of ordinary citizens—not Big Food....
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Fish, Baby, Fish!

A court decision overturns the Bush administration’s plans to allow offshore oil drilling in Bristol Bay, one of the world’s best-managed salmon fisheries.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: What’s the Matter with Kansas?

If the governor doesn’t take action by Thursday, the state will enact a law that could keep consumers in the dark about what’s in their milk.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Oh, Deer

In the name of food safety, California farmers have been waging a needless war against native wildlife.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Planting Rumors

A new piece of federal legislation has sustainable-food advocates worried that backyard gardening and farmers markets are under siege. Are they really?
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Change We Can’t Believe In

The new administration is making great strides in food policy—except when it comes to the issue of genetic modification.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Harvest of Hope

After 15 years of asking, a Florida farmworkers’ group has finally gotten the governor to condemn abusive practices in the state’s tomato fields.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: McDonald’s Eggs to Go Cage-Free?

The Humane Society plans to put the squeeze on the fast-food giant over its use of eggs from caged chickens.
food politics

Politics of the Plate: Drug Bust

Roughly 70 percent of the total antibiotics used in the United States are consumed by healthy farm animals—but a new bill would restrict the drugs’ use to cases where the animal is sick....