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institute for oleic research

food + cooking

Minutes of the Institute for Oleic Research, Part 4: Up-to-the-Minute Oils

Which oil is fit for frying and which falls flat? The Institute investigates a wide range of specialty oils.
food + cooking

Minutes of the Institute for Oleic Research, Part 3: Buttermilk Dressing

Spring’s harbingers of summer come via a number of natural occurrences, but for me, it comes in the form of a salad dressing.
food + cooking

Minutes of the Institute for Oleic Research, Part 2: Guanciale

My favorite of these new offerings of cured pork is guanciale—flesh from the jaw and check of the hog, with a flavor like porky pumpkin pie.
food + cooking

Minutes of the Institute for Oleic Research: Palm Oil

The question has long dogged me: What to do with palm oil, apart from using it in Brazilian and West African cooking?