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food + cooking

Extreme Frugality: Teach Your Children Well

If roots mean a mindfulness of disparities in wealth and a concern for the entire family, I’d say we are finally heeding my grandfather’s advice.
food + cooking

Extreme Frugality: Make New Friends But Keep the Gold

Maybe this project has turned me into a prude, but I’m not against having fun—especially when that fun comes in the form of a cassoulet cook-off.
food + cooking

Extreme Frugality: Arriba, Pandalus Borealis, Arriba!

Maine shrimp are a firm, tasty treat that also happens to be unbelievably cheap: They’re selling for as little as $1 a pound along the state’s highways right now....
food + cooking

Extreme Frugality: Starting Anew

My family’s newly thrifty ways may not be extreme by everyone’s definition, but clearly this economic crisis demands radical changes from all of us.
food + cooking

Extreme Frugality: Me and My Ruffed Grouse

I’d always thought a ruffed-grouse meal would come at the pinnacle of my life, but no matter. This was the kind of price I can afford. Free!
food + cooking

Extreme Frugality: Doing the Unthinkable

For the first time ever, my family of six is going to live within our means—in other words, spend $550 a month.

Mack Attack

Most fishermen use Atlantic mackerel for bait, and no one ever laments the one that got away. But a guy with a backyard smoker and a dream wants to change all that.
August 2007