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The Times of My Life: November 1946

My last year as an artist in Europe was a sad year every place.
November 1946

The Times of My Life: August 1946

It was only late in life that I learned the simple lesson that history is merely anything that can happen.
August 1946

The Times of My Life: May 1946

For a while that summer in England, when the bull market still hung high, I went to the seashore and sat among the sounds of rocking buoys.
May 1946

The Times of My Life: April 1946

As one listens today to voices of indignant incredulity and looks back at one's past, I am reminded of my lawyer.
April 1946

The Times of My Life: January 1946

In the middle twenties, when I was an art student in Paris, there were a great many places there that advertised Real Southern Cooking.
January 1946

The Times of My Life: December 1945

Every writer that ever wrote about seeing Paris for the first time always starts, I believe, by stating that the horse chestnut trees were in blossom.
December 1945

Mama Feels the Years

When dying, he said, “Dieu me pardonnera, c'est Son metier,” which Mama in her inexpensive French translated as, “Of course God will forgive me … that's His business.”...
December 1944

Mama's Brave New World

After Mama and all the rest of us got back from Europe, everyone sat around waiting for the war to end in six months.
November 1944

Mama and Aunt Tillie

The first journal I ever kept was of the trip to Europe with Mama.
October 1944

Mama's Invasion of Europe

Someone gave a masked party in a wine cellar called “Little Europa.”
September 1944