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food + cooking

It Can’t Be Fall Yet, Damn It

Can cool weather be postponed by vigorous consumption of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant?
food + cooking

Adventures in Risotto

Advice to a young man on what to cook for his wife on their first wedding anniversary.
wine + spirits + beer

Rhyme and Reason

When do two ingredients go together well? When they’re alike—or when they’re not.
travel + culture

Still Life with Toddler and Fruit

Saturday morning at the Portland farmers market: It does not get better than this.
food + cooking

Following the Groove

Sometimes it’s not imagination you’re after, but just a plate of good food.
food + cooking

How Do You Make Fried Fish Even Better?

By pickling it, of course.
food + cooking

Greek Ideas

It hadn’t occurred to me that one might reasonably have tomatoes at three meals a day, but my life is better for it.
food + cooking

Touch of Perfection

Pleasure free for the noticing, courtesy of three loved ones.
food + cooking

Food Bag

The culinary equivalent of speaking softly.
food + cooking

The Herbs of Early Summer

Two obscure herbs to make the season’s food sing.