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James Beard on gourmet.com


Spécialités de la Maison: February 1950

Featuring Keen's English Chophouse, Gage and Tollner, Café St. Denis, Viceroy, Versailles.
February 1950

Vintage Tour—1949

To France, her great wines, her matchless food, her overwhelming hospitality!
February 1950

Spécialités de la Maison: June 1949

Featuring downtown Manhattan in the good old summertime.
July 1949

Spécialités de la Maison: May 1949

Featuring Robert's, Longchamps, and Chalet.
May 1949

Spécialités de la Maison: April 1949

Featuring the Brussels, Café Tokay, and the Rajah.
April 1949

Carving is an Art

The Art of Carving is the science of carving. One must understand anatomy, have a steady hand, a sure eye, and extreme patience.
November 1948

Come and Cook It!: July 1948

This broad and long America of ours has developed many outstanding food traditions.
July 1948

Come and Cook It!: June 1948

Outdoor living and cooking may be au fait at the moment in a sophisticated modern way, but this is definitely primitive living.
June 1948
james beard