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Food Politics

The Price Was Right


What will a cool $85 million buy from Congress these days? A tailor-made law that will benefit giant food companies at the expense of our health.

As Michele Kayal forewarned Gourmet readers last year, a lavish lobbying effort on the part of the Grocery Manufacturer's Association has paid off. On March 8, the House quietly passed the National Food Uniformity Act. Despite the dull name—probably no accident—this bill will rip apart much of the safety net protecting our food supply by stripping state governments, which are often more rigorous than the feds, of the right to regulate what we eat, placing all responsibility with the FDA whose recent performance doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

But the bill has to pass in the Senate. The Center for Food Safety has launched a write in campaign. Maybe members of that chamber will vote with their consciences rather than their pocketbooks.